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集体主义 X.0



after disruption

lab 3:
Networked Rural-Urban Infrastructure and Flow

Using the concept of disruptive technologies, we embed “infrastructure design” in urban / rural space to create a new “networked scenario”; helping cities and countryside to accelerate their flowability, and meanwhile solve related social crises and challenges.

Taking as starting point the social and urban implications that different digital disruptive technologies are having for the Chinese society, digital platforms are used as case studies (Taobao, Wechat, Mobike) and look at their possible implications in design.

We propose to face any of them from three key aspects:

1. Social Research: Study the collective effect of the different tools proposed + their social impact.

2. To approach technology from its capabilities to promote decentralized digital networked infrastructures of making and dealing.

3. Generate discussion around the relationship between design and technology, and how to promote global networks through local and traditional values in design.


Zhao Liqun & Miguel Esteban (MONO.O)


Zhang Shoupin (MAX Office)





"Flow" is the intangible social development factor, permeating urban and rural society, that has profoundly changed our economy system and life. The economy development, for example, depends on factor mobility (flow). Without mobility, there is no economy.

Flow has, at the same time, created many new problems — unbalanced distribution of resources, unemployment, products osolescence, pollution, vacancies, and poverty.

How to re-think flows to solve these daily problems of contemporary society? Can we consider a return to the starting point of these flows? If yes, can we consider a "flow reform" introducing "customized/localized infrastructure" to improve the “mobility factor”?




“Infrastructure” is a basic networked construction implant in urban and rural areas, to improve economic factor mobility (flow) and social development. Efficient infrastructure promotes flowability.

On the other hand, expired infrastructure blocks the circulation of factors and affects the vitality of cities.

The lack of efficient infrastructure declines the possibility of new factors’ circulation, forming crises and economic/social challenges for the urban/rural society.


Network, Spatial Structure


The network is a form of geographical integration by way of new technologies, such as physical information and virtualization.  

By building a new network, we can transcend traditional geographic, political, social, and economic limitation to achieve new regional integration, and ultimately promote the redistribution of the industrial layout structure and urban/rural patterns.


Identity for soft revolution

How to build a community through design


Community flow -> existing community -> collective identity (naming) -> shared commitment (growing) -> system -> change (network) ->

Design is an important tool in business and in life, but the arrangement of the physical or digital world is really an experience of inclusion or exclusion  - design can bring people together or keep people out.



The research done previous to the workshop will follow this structure:

We will take two parallel scenarios, one city and one village, and will develop the map graphs of two main flows: food and work production. Through these mappings, we will analyse how these flows are structured and how they network with other physical and digital flows.

After this analysis, we will be able to understand through the design of the graphs how the food/work flow of the city is related with the food/work flow in the countryside, extracting information about of how different more ambitious synergies could be projected by integrating both scenarios, proposing new soft physical and digital infrastructures of development.

At the same time, this represents a change of scale in the approach to the problem, and during the workshop we will speculate about how design could be used as a tool for analysing the problem (data visualization) and above all, to promote the flowability between the city and the countryside.

We will create dialogs about topics related with identity, culture, social innovation, economy, digital technologies and design.

Finally, we will show the potential of understanding the city and the countryside as a complex mix of networked flows, and the ubiquitous potential of design and digital disruptive technologies within these networks to promote cultural development, infrastructural regeneration and social impact.

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